Peony Reflexology
Peony Reflexology

What Should I Expect from my Reflexology Treatment?

The initial consultation will last approximately 90 minutes and a full case history will be taken so I can customise your session to ensure you receive the best support and treatment to aid your physical and mental wellbeing. Treatments thereafter last between 45-60 minutes and all treatments take place in the comfort of your own home.


I will provide everything required for treatment and I advise you wear something comfortable and loose and remove contact lenses beforehand.

Reflexology consists of special techniques that are designed to stimulate all of the reflex areas of the feet to bring about profound relaxation. Most people feel a peaceful serenity come over them as the feet are stimulated, and some even fall asleep. Sometimes you may feel the pressure applied to the foot and be aware of a slight discomfort or tenderness. This is normal and is only a sign that there is congestion in that area. Tender spots indicate areas that need extra attention. As you get regular treatments, these sensitive areas will become less tender.



What Should I Expect from my Indian Head Massage?

An Indian Head Massage will last approximately 30 minutes and treatments take place in the comfort of your own home.


I will provide everything required for treatment and I advise you wear something comfortable and loose and remove jewellery, glasses and contact lenses beforehand.


Indian Head massage should make you feel a deep relaxation and serenity.  It should help to relieve aches, pains and tension in your nack, back and shoulders whilst improving the texture and growth of your hair.  Indian Head massage wil help to stimulate the blood flow, lymph and oxygen in the upper part of your body which will clear sinuses, relieve stress and help you to sleep better.  It may also help relieve headsaches, migraines, eye strain and anxiety.



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